A message on Covid 19

Dear Clients,
Our thoughts are with those around the world fighting this virus and those protecting others.
Hamble Marine Surveys Ltd are open for business and operating in marinas in UK, but meeting at all times government guidelines during these difficult times. We are monitoring our emails and responding to customer enquiries and queries. If you have any questions or queries do please contact us and will we be more than happy to assist.
With access to marinas resticted Hamble Marine Surveys Ltd as approved contractors are able to assist clients in a number of ways. We are carrying out still Pre-Purchase Survey and surveys for Insurance. We also have assisted a number of clients with virtual viewings to allow purchase cleints to view a vessel. Our principal surveyor Julian Smith will attend the vessel and carry out a 'walk-through' inspection and then via face time or similar we can show you around, answer your questions and bring to your attention areas of interest or concern. In many cases to has allowed clients to go on a make offers. Please contact us if you wish to talk through your options.
With many marina shut, access to yachts and motorboats ashore or afloat is restricted and therefore no on-going maintenance is being undertaken. This is of real concern to us. When the 'lock-down' finishes we will be ready to assit our customer and provide a full range of services includign surveys for Insurance, Condition and Damage. We will also be available for Pre-Purchase surveys and MCA coding for charter vessels.
Do please make contact if you are considering a purchase as we will be able to guide you through this process, and allow you to have everything is place ready for when the 'lock down' finishes.
In the weeks to come we will be placing a number of useful articles on our news section of our website and on our You Tube site.
Please stay safe and we remain ready to assist you when life returns to normal.
Julian Smith